Penny's entry
Saturday, 19th August Today has been almost totally miserable! It started with Sarah and I being grumpy, upset with each other and frustrated (ankle, etc.). We had a run-in with another boat owner because Sarah forgot to slow down as we passed his moored boat. She was at the tiller but trying to help me with major computer problems. He was incredibly abusive (and I'm afraid we gave our fair share of abuse as he wouldn't accept Sarah's apology). He called us ********* and said we were a disgrace to Trees for Life and that he would phone them to complain. Great start to the day! Next the laptop appeared to completely die and dismal phonecalls were made to enlist some sympathy from loved ones. It resurrected itself some hours later, as can be seen. Whilst I was busy trying to catch up with diary pages, etc. in a canalside pub/restuarant, Sarah went back to the boat. After she'd been on board for a few minutes she suddenly realised that the back of the boat had drifted out and was completely blocking the canal. It transpired that the wash from passing boats had caused the back peg to come loose, and it had sunk with the rope to the bottom of the canal. Leaping into action, Sarah heaved the rope and attached pin from the depths of the canal and motored the back of the boat to shore! She then busied herself with much peg hammering. The weather then decided to test our endurance to the limit. It rained heavily for hours and hours and hours. Sarah had a break by walking along the towpath, with an umbrella, picking and eating blackberries for almost an hour. By this time, both of us were cold, wet through, miserable and ready to end it all. Finally, deciding that further cruising just wasn't an option, we decided to moor up and then witnessed a really nasty dog fight on the towpath. One dog and its owner were left bleeding. Rather shaken we continued to find a mooring and Sarah valiantly hammered in the pegs in torrential rain. After recovering over supper, we brought ourselves to the pub to make today's entry with the help of a little alcohol. We then discovered two messages from Amy and Scarlett. I hope there are enough photos of the hopper, Amy? Scarlett, thank you for such a lovely message. We're looking forward to seeing you on 30th. Lots of love to you. Let's hope Sunday brings back a little joy to this long, long journey. 228 miles travelled and 99 locks negotiated so far. |